NURS FPX 4900 Assessment 3 Assessing the Problem Technology Care Coordination and Community Resources Considerations

NURS FPX 4900 Assessment 3 Assessing the Problem Technology Care Coordination and Community Resources Considerations


Capella university

NURS-FPX 4900 Capstone project for Nursing

Prof. Name


Assessing the Problem: Technology, Care Coordination, and Community Resources Considerations

Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD) is a chronic matter, for it has detrimental impacts on an individual’s life. A survey shows 17.4 million males in the United States aged 12 or above have AUD in 2022 (NIAAA, 2023). This paper aims to address the problem of AUD for a patient named Paul from a technological perspective. He is a 36-year-old male with emotional, physical, and social concerns due to AUD. The utilization of a care coordination approach and several community resources are entailed for Mr. Paul to improve his health outcomes, mainly using technology.

Impact of Healthcare Technology

AUD in the United States affects millions of people (15) and costs billions of dollars (250) every year (NIAAA, 2023). For an effective outcome, AUD treatment requires a combination of inpatient (detoxification) and outpatient services (therapies and intensive programs). With novel technology and the emerging trend of digital health, several methods utilizing wearable or biosensor devices allow us to monitor latent physiological occurrences and help manage AUD for patients like Mr. Paul.  

Advantages and Disadvantages of Specific Technology 

Technology in the healthcare system has evolved care services, and it contains its fair share of advantages and disadvantages in managing health conditions like AUD. For instance, telehealth and telemedicine allow remote consultations, therapy sessions, and monitoring (Kruse et al., 2022). It benefits patients like Mr. Paul by improving accessibility due to travel time and cost. Studies have shown that telemedicine can reduce alcohol consumption and improve standard of life (Leibowitz et al., 2020). There are also several Apps explicitly designed to manage AUD, offering assistance in self-help tools, tracking alcohol intake, and providing coping mechanisms. It also provides an opportunity to connect users with support communities.

Studies have shown that digital devices can track gait and sweat to identify abstinence and also geographical locations to identify nearby alcohol stations or dangers, allowing for warnings or reminders (Kruse et al., 2022). There are also evidence-based therapeutic interventions delivered through digital platforms, including Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) programs tailored to AUD management. They benefit patients (like Mr. Paul) because of their accessibility anywhere and anytime, enhancing convenience. Devices like smart watches and EHR can track and document physiological data such as heart rate, sleep cycle, and stress, giving information about triggers and patterns related to alcohol use (Kruse et al., 2022). 

NURS FPX 4900 Assessment 3 Assessing the Problem Technology Care Coordination and Community Resources Considerations

There are a few concerns around the use of technology in the healthcare system, which can cause issues in its adaptation and effective utilization. Not all patients have access to digital devices like internet access in remote places or are uncomfortable using telehealth and telemedicine for health purposes. It creates disparity issues in access to care (Glass et al., 2022). There is another primary concern around technology use for health purposes, which can hamper the efficiency of the treatment of AUD management for patients (like Mr. Paul) due to privacy and security concerns.

Regarding privacy and security, Electronic Health Records (EHR) and telehealth platforms must adhere to strict privacy policy regulations to protect patient data (Houser et al., 2023). It is important to balance in-person and remote consultation to avoid over-reliance on technology and reduce the empathy factor, which is crucial for mental health and addiction management for patients (like Mr. Paul) (Glass et al., 2022). 

Current Technology Use in Professional Practice 

Technology is not an alien concept at my workplace because of its integration into healthcare delivery for a while. Many healthcare providers utilize telehealth platforms for remote consultations and monitoring patient progress in AUD management. However, barriers such as internet connectivity issues and lack of familiarity with technology among patients affect its effectiveness. EHR systems are widely used to document patient information, treatment plans, and progress (Aguirre et al., 2019). They facilitate me in care coordination among healthcare personnel but require training and initial costs for implementation on a holistic scale.

The barriers need to be addressed by training and educating the healthcare team, including nursing staff, for effective utilization and integration of technology for AUD management. Technology integration requires appropriate infrastructure, such as secure networks, devices, and software, so the initial set and maintenance costs are significant (Ali et al., 2023). I have seen progress in technology upgrades at my professional level, but it still requires support for holistic implementation. Lastly, patient engagement and adherence to technology-based interventions are essential for optimal outcomes along with healthcare systems navigation for reimbursement policies and funding to support and sustain the use of technology in AUD management (Glass et al., 2022).

Utilization of Care Coordination and Community Resources

Care coordination is an interdisciplinary collaboration for treating AUD, which is beneficial for holistic and cohesive treatment plans for AUD patients. It allows disciplines such as physicians, nurses, counselors, psychiatrists, pharmacists, and social workers to work within their expertise in a parallel manner to manage AUD. Studies have shown that care coordination is proven and recommended in primary care departments due to its positive impact on health outcomes and the healthcare system (Kools et al., 2022).

Care coordination plays an essential role in managing AUD. Care coordination for AUD management for patients like Mr. Paul has several benefits. It ensures that Mr. Paul receives integrated care, including medical, behavioral, and social support, addressing his multiple needs effectively. Coordination among healthcare personnel, caregivers, and community resources improves communication, fostering enhanced patient outcomes (Cole, 2022). By involving Mr. Paul and his family in care planning and decision-making, care coordination promotes a patient-centered approach, empowering him to take charge of his health condition actively.   

Community resources are crucial in AUD management because the social environment dramatically influences an individual’s behavior. Mr. Paul can benefit from several community resources assisting him in overcoming issues like social stigma and feelings of isolation. For instance, support groups and peer counseling such as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), a 12-step peer-supported mutual program, offer valuable social support, promoting recovery and reducing isolation (Wnuk, 2022). Community programs like education, skill training, and coping strategies also help in abstinence and the likelihood of relapse. Skills-building and coping strategies also improve social relations and maintain employment with enhanced skills and self-control (Cole, 2022). Integrating community resources in Mr. Paul’s treatment plan will allow a complete approach to address social factors, particularly housing stability, employment opportunities, and family dynamics impacting his AUD. 

Current Use in Professional Practice Along With Barriers

Healthcare personnel, including nurses, social workers, and psychologists at my professional space, collaborate to develop and implement care plans for AUD management. EHR systems are also integrated to facilitate information sharing among care team members, streamlining communication and documentation without medication errors for AUD management and communication with patients (like Mr. Paul) (Shields et al., 2021). Regular team meetings are conducted at my place for comprehensive assessments, care planning, and adjustments based on the needs and preferences of patients evolving needs. Healthcare personnel utilize community resources to manage AUD by referrals such as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) meetings, counseling services, and vocational training programs (Wnuk, 2022). Moreover, nurses educate patients with AUD (like Mr. Paul) and their families about the treatment plans and community resources, ways of accessing them, and the benefits of engaging in ongoing support outside of clinical settings (Nehring & Freeman, 2020).  

It is crucial to know that fragmentation in the healthcare system can lead to disjointed care services, with gaps in communication among several healthcare disciplines essential for AUD management. Identifying inadequate communication channels or technology barriers at my workplace for Mr. Paul is necessary to ensure real-time information sharing (Osborne et al., 2022). My organization also faces resource constraints regarding skilled staff and funding, which affect their capacity to provide comprehensive care coordination services for AUD management.

NURS FPX 4900 Assessment 3 Assessing the Problem Technology Care Coordination and Community Resources Considerations

Stigma and awareness are other barriers to be addressed for AUD patients. It is essential to destigmatize mental health concerns surrounding AUD patients for better accessibility and utilization of community resources (Finn et al., 2023). Community resources need continuous funding sources for sustainability, as fluctuations can affect the continuity and quality of services for AUD patients (like Mr. Paul). Studies have shown that community resources complement clinical interventions, extending the continuum of care beyond medical settings and supporting long-term recovery journeys (Mushi et al., 2023).

State Board Nursing Practice Standards

The American Nurse Association (ANA) is pivotal for AUD management and care coordination. It provides guidelines and standards for nurses to effectively address AUD. It further entails the utilization and leverage technology such as EHR, telehealth platforms, and digital tools. It provides instructions on using these tools to assess, monitor, and manage AUD. ANA advocates for integrating evidence-based practices, interdisciplinary collaboration, and individualized approaches for patients like Mr. Paul to manage AUD with enhanced outcomes. ANA supports community resource utilization facilitated by technology to improve care continuity and promote results for individuals with AUD (Flaubert et al., 2021). 

Different policies support technology integration for AUD management. For instance, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) provides coverage for healthcare services. It is supported through Medicaid services, allowing access to coordinated care and community-based services, making it accessible for AUD patients (Like Mr. Paul) (Maclean & Saloner, 2019). Moreover, technology integration raises concerns for privacy and security, for the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) encourages the protection of patient’s health information during AUD management via EHR and telehealth and digital devices (Edemekong et al., 2022).

It builds trust for patients like Mr. Paul to share the necessary information for effective and improved health outcomes. The standard guidelines for nursing practice by the ANA code of ethics ensure an obligation to ethical principles (beneficence, non-maleficence, autonomy, and justice). Nurses use these guidelines to ensure that Mr. Paul is equitably accessing care coordinated and community resources. These principles and policies together guide nurses and other healthcare professionals to ensure the safety of patients with AUD (Snoek & Horstkötter, 2021). 

Part 2

Documentation of Practicum Hours

During the two hours spent with Mr. Paul, aged 36, and dealing with AUD, our focus was on integrating technology, care coordination, and community resources for his comprehensive management. We discussed suitable technology tools, including mobile apps for tracking alcohol intake and coping mechanisms, which he agreed to use. The purpose of integrating the tracking tool was due to the inability of Paul to quit alcohol altogether suddenly, so reducing intake was essential to avoid relapse and ensure abstinence. We also set alerts and reminders for medication adherence and appointments to address stress, depression, and emotional stability.

Collaboration with the healthcare team, including addiction specialists and therapists, facilitated tailored intervention for Mr. Paul. In this planning, his family took part, especially his spouse. We involved them in support and education, addressing barriers to access and promoting a positive outlook on recovery. We also provided educational resources and encouraged community engagement to sustain progress in AUD management. 


In conclusion, the comprehensive approach for Mr. Paul’s AUD management is technology integration and care coordination. It also utilizes community resources reflecting a commitment to improving his health outcomes and quality of life. By leveraging technological tools, promoting interdisciplinary collaboration, and engaging community support, Mr. Paul’s treatment plan is tailored to his specific needs and preferences. His family’s involvement and adherence to ethical standards and policies ensure a holistic and patient-centered approach, enhancing the effectiveness and sustainability of his AUD management. Continued support, education, and community engagement are crucial for sustaining positive progress and promoting long-term recovery for Mr. Paul. 


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Edemekong, P. F., Haydel, M. J., & Annamaraju, P. (2022, February 3). Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).; StatPearls Publishing. 

NURS FPX 4900 Assessment 3 Assessing the Problem Technology Care Coordination and Community Resources Considerations

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NURS FPX 4900 Assessment 3 Assessing the Problem Technology Care Coordination and Community Resources Considerations

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NURS FPX 4900 Assessment 3 Assessing the Problem Technology Care Coordination and Community Resources Considerations

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